Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Marsha's first visit to the Dr.

First Picture of the Baby

Marsha went and visited the Dr. yesterday and came back with good results. According to the Dr. she is in fine health(surprising huh)but still gave her Folic Acid pills to take. She still has to watch her diet and what she eats. She's supposed to stay away from oils but is supposed to eat more cheese.

We got our first picture as you can see above. As she was watching it I guess it kicked its wittle leg. aahhh. It's still very small. She's only 9 weeks but they heard the heartbeat and everything.

She is scheduled to see a "high risk" Dr. on May 18th to see if she will be and if so how much because of our previous mishap and her seizures.
So that's it as far as i know.

SIDE NOTE:Any questions you can comment or email. Try not to call because I'm busy a lot and it would be easier to read and reply.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Meeting with Doctor

On the 18th, I will be meeting with my OBYN. We have to see of I'm high risk or not and go from there. So we will see how it goes and I will keep you posted.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


This blog is to help keep you informed so we don't get so many questions all the time. Her due date is November 30, 2010. Were hoping its not high risk but we wont know. So we will up date every time we know something so you will know as well.